Cooking is fun with you.

Eep! Luki at your service, sorry about the dark room but sweet horrifying dreams story, I got my game but I was so into it, that I forgot all about it. ; o ; I’m going to work on it today, as my goal right now is to add each of every story I made a new chapter or a sequel. Hurray! Anyways, still no sign of Lune Lune, but hopefully she’ll be posting on her story. Anyways check on the new stuff on our blog place, it’s having some adds. Okay so this story will be a cute little fluffy story. Anyways, this was something I was planning on doing for a while, but still couldn’t find the right time to do it, but eh today seems nice. Anyways this is to my best friend Lune Lune :] Message for her is at the end of the story. 8D Okay, now that is taken cared of, let’s begin. Oh one little thing the title’s beginning of the story, is the chapter story. 8D So eh, the story will always be called Cooking is fun with you. But, chapter titles help. Oh this is also chapter 1! 8P No dur..


Cooking is such a wreck. Chapter 1 Part 1

Luki’s cake blew up, Luki with the panic expression  was screaming out “EEP! Lune Lune!!!!”

Lune Lune rushed through the left, accidentally hitting a baker really hard to make him drop the cake on her, Luki rushed

towards Lune Lune, they bumped into each other and fell down. Lune Lune covered with vanilla icing and Luki with some

pieces of cake on her. Lune Lune had a angry expression as Luki was smashing onto the tiles of the kitchen. Lune Lune

mumbled “I hate cooking” Luki nodded in reply and shouted “What is cooking meant for!?” Lune Lune was now thinking

and that caused Luki to be curious. Another baker dropped the mixed chocolate frosting onto the both of them.

Lune Lune couldn’t concentrate after that and started clinging to Luki with all the bad things happening. Luki started

shouting at the baker of his sudden foolishness “Say sorry to Lune Lune now!!” Baker hurried to Lune Lune and bowed

down and apologized. Lune Lune had a sweat drop but smiled. Luki stomping on the baker for his careless actions was

going to be a long day for the kitchen. Other bakers tried to help the baker man but Luki just started stomping on them

as well. Lune Lune decided to get cleaned up and asked Luki “Want to come?” Luki nodded, and they started getting

off the cooking mess off of them. Luki and Lune Lune said at the same time “Cooking is such a wreck.” As they both



To be continued!

Lune Lune and I do that, and we end up cracking up on our sudden sayings. Well anyways I had to make it short, this

is not a spring gift for Lune Lune, that one will be eh, more springiness ah and much much cuter. Oh anyways a message to Lune Lune – Thanks for being the kindest and bestest friend ever. :3 I hope this story makes you smile!


About Luki Lune Lune Productions

We're best friends sharing a blog with each other, so we can post stories in front of the whole world. Hopefully we meet nice people along our blog adventure. :3

Posted on April 5, 2011, in Cooking is fun with you [Multi-Chapter] ~ Luki, Stories. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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